Certificate in Basic Gem Identification

Course Overview:

This course equips you with the skills to identify various types of gemstones, including natural, treated, synthetic and imitations. You will become familiar with distinguishing between natural gems and their treated or synthetic counterparts. With a focus on gemstones commonly found in the market, you will be well-prepared for practical work in the industry.

Duration : 2 months

Course Content:

  1. Introduction to Gemmology: Understand the nature and study of gemstones, including their formation and characteristics
  2. Geology and Mining: Explore the geological processes, mining methods and factors influencing gemstone quality
  3. Understanding the factors that affect the quality of a gemstone: Learn the 4 Cs of gemstone quality – cut, clarity, color and carat weight – and how they affect the value and desirability of a gemstone
  4. Overview of the Physical and Optical Properties of Gems:Understand the physical and optical properties of gemstones, including their hardness, specific gravity, refractive index and dispersion
  5. Gem Identification Techniques: Discover the role of instruments and methods used for accurate gemstone identification. Learn how to use the different instruments including microscopes, refractometers, spectrometers and polariscope
  6. Gem Classification: Classify gemstones based on group, species and variety to understand their characteristics and differences including their chemical and physical properties and their uses in jewellery
  7. Identifying Natural Gemstones: Explore how to identify natural gemstones based on their physical and optical properties, as well as their geological and mineralogical characteristics
  8. Identifying different inclusions in gemstones: Learn to identify the different types of inclusions that can be found in gemstones, including fractures, cleavage and mineral inclusions
  9.  Natural v/s Treated Gemstones: Develop skills to identify natural gemstones and recognize different treatments like heating, fracture filling, coating, diffusion etc. which are used to enhance the appearance of gemstones
  10.  Synthetic or Lab Grown Gemstones: Explore the identification and production of synthetic or lab grown gemstones, distinguishing them from natural counterparts
  11. Identifying Synthetic Gemstones:Learn how to identify synthetic gemstones based on their physical and optical properties, inclusions as well as their production methods and characteristics
  12. Simulants and Imitations: Recognize materials used to simulate or imitate gemstones, including glass, plastics and other simulants. Learn about gemstone imitations – materials that are designed to look like natural gemstones – and how to differentiate them from the natural counterparts
  13. Pearls: Gain an overview of pearls, including their types and classification
  14. Practical Lab Sessions and Exams: Engage in hands-on laboratory sessions to practice gemstone identification techniques, concluding with comprehensive theory and practical examinations

Course Duration:  

  • Duration: 2 Months
  • Total Sessions: 40
  • Session Duration: 2.5 Hours (Morning and Afternoon batches available)
  • Schedule: Monday to Friday

Course Outcome:

Upon completing this course, you will master the fundamentals of gemology, including gemstone formation, quality factors (4 Cs) and physical and optical properties. You will gain expertise in gem identification techniques, classification and distinguishing between natural, treated and synthetic gemstones. Additionally, you will learn to identify inclusions, recognize simulants and imitations and understand the types and classification of pearls. Practical lab sessions and exams will reinforce your theoretical and practical skills in gemstone identification and evaluation, preparing you for career paths such as loose gemstone buying and selling and wholesale or retail jeweller.

For course schedule and other details visit the campus

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